Whitby’s Apollo Players

Whitby’s Apollo Players were formed in the late 1960’s initially as a
dramatic society with the view to stage plays. Our first pantomime
production was in 1971 and, with the exception of 1976, we have
presented a pantomime every January since then at Whitby Pavilion

Pantomime will always be the Apollo Players main forte but in the
past the Players have staged plays, musical shows, variety and revue

2018 saw the players present their 47th annual pantomime production at Whitby Pavilion Theatre.

In more recent years the society branched out from its pantomime
roots and has presented special one night only shows on Broadway, at the
Movies, a special Eurovision tribute and Back to the 60’s….all
proving to be a success and showcasing the society’s talents beyond the
pantomime stage.

Summer 2014 saw the society present a full length stage play version of Noddy.

In January 2021 the players will present a special 50th pantomime production, Cinderella.

Contact Details

Social Media


Whitby’s Apollo Players
c/o 2a Eskdale Road

North Yorkshire
YO22 4JJ